For The Love Of Containers

I can’t help myself. Maybe it’s the packaging design, the lettering style, colors, or simplicity of the material. I adore collecting old tea tins and mason jars and repurposing them for storing little bits and bobs of stuff.

Not to worry, I am not supporting hoarding. Nor do I have a lot of space to show off a massive display of tea tins or mason jars. However, I am a supporter of reusing these items after purchasing a tin of tea or cookies, or after polishing off a jar of mayonnaise or pasta sauce.

If you don’t have the room, please recycle or donate when you can!

One of the fussiest parts of reinventing an old mayo jar or sauce jar is getting that stubborn glue residue off. After struggling to remove the glue and label from an old mason jar by soaking it in the sink, I decided to boil it in hot water with baking soda. Success!

Glass jars are perfect for storage!

After a hot water bath for about 20 minutes and scraping away at the glue residue with a butter knife, I ended up with some squeaky-clean residue-less jars.

Here's a helpful item to get glass jars clean and other things around the house! Arm & Hammer Baking Soda

(* I do not get any type of monetary compensation for supporting any brands within this post. I am not part of any affiliate groups at the time of posting this article. However, I love sharing products and services that I find helpful, and that you may find beneficial too!)

The next time you pick something up at the grocery store that comes in a glass jar or metal tin, maybe reconsider giving it a new life after you are done with the contents.

You don’t have to look too far or overspend to find kitschy forms of decor or practical small storage solutions. 

Tea tins and mason jars have plenty of charm and versatility to fit a lot of different decor styles.


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